RNA-seq and pathway analysis

RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) has evolved into an indispensable tool for analysing gene expression levels, offering profound insights into the cellular transcriptome. It is an extremely valuable technique to compare conditions such as treatment versus control, or knockout versus control.

Our approach to analyzing your RNA-seq data is centered around your specific interests and needs:

  • Quality checks: thorough quality checks to ensure the reliability of the dataset

  • Differential expression analysis:

    • Statistical comparisons between two sample groups to unveil crucial information about fold changes and statistical significance for each identified transcript.

    • Visual representation through heatmaps, box plots, volcano plots, and other informative graphics.

  • Pathway analysis:

    • Placing the identified differential expression levels within a broader biological context.

    • Unraveling the changes in biological processes to provide a comprehensive understanding.

You can also check our publication list to see more examples.

RNA-seq, an indispensable tool

Our commitment extends beyond the analysis process. If you’re planning a gene expression experiment and have queries about but the wet lab aspects, don’t hesitate to contact us for pre-experiment consultancy advice! We can guide you on crucial decisions, such as selecting the appropriate library preparation kit, determining whether single-end or paired-end sequencing is suitable (tip: check our video blogs) and advising on the choice between polyA enrichment or rRNA depletion. Your experiment's success is our priority, and we're here to assist you at every stage.

Example of previous custom NGS analysis: cancer pathways

Quality control


Single cell RNA-Seq (scRNA-seq)